27/12 2008
New page/Intro/Album 7.

2/12 2008
New page Puppies/Puppies 2.

25/10 2008
New page/Intro/Puppies

19/7 2008
News on Our Dogs/Amila/Photo körung, Körbericht,
X-ray and Eye test.

18/7 2008
News on Our Dogs/Amila´s showpage/CAC-Erfurt 2008.
News on Our Dogs/Amila/Körung.
New photos Album 6/Bruno - Bruno´s album 9.
New photos Album 6/Migo - Migo´s album 6.
New photo Album 6/Zeus - Zeus album 11.
New photos Album 6/ Jasper-Jasper´s album 5.
New photos Album 6/Ben-Ben´s Album 5
New photos/Album 3 page 14.

3/6 2008
New photo Album 6/Amila - Amila´s album 13.

18/5 2008
News on Our Dogs/Amila´s showpage/CAC-Niedersachsen-Landesgruppenschau 2008-05-11.

16/8 2007
News on Our Dogs/Amila´s showpage/CACIB Ludwigshafen 2007.

30/7 2007
News on Our Dogs/Amila´s showpage/SSV Clubschau.

26/7 2007
News on Our Dogs/Amila´s showpage. Amila is now a German Junior Champion.
New banner on Links/Zafira´s hp.

23/7 2007
New photos and showresults/Our Dogs - Amila´s showpage/Dresden,Cani`bulle and Cloppenburg.
New photo Album 6/Zeus - Zeus album 10.
New photo Album 6/Amila - Amila´s album 12.
New photos/Album 3 - page 12 & 13.

9/5 2007
New photo and showresult/Our Dogs - Amila´s showpage/Dortmund 1 & 2.
New photos Album 6/Bruno - Bruno´s album 8.
New photos album 3/page 11.

25/4 2007
New photo of Amila and Tanja/Album 6/Amila/Page 12.

19/4 2007
New photo and showresult/Our Dogs - Amila´s showpage.
New photos Album 6/Cisca - Cisca´s album 4.

13/4 2007
New photos/Album 3 page 10.

4/4 2007
New photo Our Dogs/Amila´s page.

29/3 2007
New photos - Album 6/Zeus - album 9 and Jasper album 4.

25/3 2007
New photo and showresult/Our Dogs - Amila´s showpage.

22/3 2007
New photos in Album 6/ Amila´s album 11 and Migo´s album 5.

20/3 2007
New photos Album 6 - Ben/Ben´s Album 1, 2 and 4.

14/3 2007
New photos in Album 6/Zeus album 8.

12/3 2007
New photo Our Dogs/Amila´s page. New photos of Nina/Album 3 page 9. New photos Album 6/Amila´s album 11.

25/2 2007
New photos in Album 6/Zeus album 8.

20/2 2007
New photos in Album 6/ Jasper´s album 3 and 4.

12/2 2007
New photos in Album 6/ Bruno´s album 6 and 7.

10/2 2007
New photos in Album 6/Zeus album 8.

7/2 2007
New photos in Album 6/Amila´s album 10, Bruno´s album 6, Migo´s album 5 and Zeus album 7.

16/1 2007
News on Our dogs/Amila - shows, new photos in Album 6/Bruno´s album 6 and Zeus album 6.

1/1 2007
We wish you a Happy New Healthy Year 2007!

New photo - Album 6/Jasper-Album 3.

News - Our dogs/Amila´s page, New photos Album 3 page 6,7 and 8. New photos Album 6/Zeus - album 6.

New december graphics.

New photos Album 6 - Cisca/Album 2 and 3.

New photos Album 6 - Amila/Album 9.

New photos Album 6 -  Bruno/Album 5, Zeus/Album 5 and Migo/Migos album 4.

New photos Album 6 - Amila/Album 7 & 8. New photos - Our dogs/Amila.

New photos Album 6 - Ben/Ben´s Album 2.

New photos Album 6 -  Bruno/Album 5, Zeus/Album 5, Amila/Album 6 and Jasper/Jasper´s album 2.

New photos Album 3 page 6. New photos Album 6 -  Zeus/Zeus´s album 4.

New photos Album 6 -  Bruno/Bruno´s album 4.

News -  album 4 page 10, New photos Album 6 - Amigo/Album 3, Zeus/Album 3.

News on our dogs/Amila´s page, New photos Album 6 - Amila/Album 5.

New photos Album 6 -  Bruno/Bruno´s album 4, Amila - Amila´s album 4 and Zeus - Zeus album 3.

New photos Album 6 -  Bruno/Bruno´s album 3.

New photo Album 6 -  Jasper/Jasper´s album 2.

New photos in album 3 - page 5.
New photos in Album 6/ Amila - Amila´s album 3 and Zeus - Zeus album 2.

New photos Album 6/ Migo - Migo´s album 2.

New photos in album 3 - page 5.
New photos in Album 6/ Amila - Amila´s album 3 , Cisca - Cisca´s album 2 and  Bruno - Bruno´s album 2.

New photos in Album 6/ Amila - Amila´s album 3 and Zeus - Zeus album 2.

6 New photos Amila and grandchild Tokessa/ Album 6 - Amila - Amila´s album 2.

New photos Album 3 page 4, Album 6 - Bruno´s album 2, Migo´s album 2 and Jasper´s album 1.

Changes in Album 6.

New photos in Album 6 page 6 & 7.

Old Album 5  moved to new Album 6. New photos in new Album 5 page 3 - 5.  

New photos in Album 5 page 1 - 6.  New page - Our Dogs Amila´s page.

New photos of the puppies - Album 4 page 10.

New photos of the puppies - Album 4 page 6, 7 ,8 and 9.

New photos of the puppies - Puppies page A-Litter 2, 3, 4 and 5.

New photos of the puppies - Puppies page A-Litter 1.

New photos Debbie and her puppies - page puppies.

New banner - linkpage.

Ultra picture - Debbie page Mating

New photo of Bertoni - Album 1 page 10.

New colors and graphics, new page -  mating and new photos in the albums.

New link - Costa & Bantje´s HP

New photos of Bertoni - Album 3 page 4.

News on Our dogs - Debbies page showresults.

Changed the graphics on start and mainpage.